KCSP Governance Model
Kent Catholic Schools' Partnership is a charitable trust and a company limited by guarantee. The Trust was established in August 2012 by the Archbishop of Southwark.
The Trust Board of Directors ('Trustees') are responsible for overseeing the management and administration of the Trust and they fulfil this role by delegating functions to committees.
The Trust understands the importance of the role of governance committees and the Trust has set out guidance and support in its Governance Handbook and Scheme of Delegation.
Governance at Our Lady of Hartley:
The school has a Local Governance Committee
The committee is here to serve the school and, above all, the children. We have our mission – Learning in the Light of Christ – very much at the heart of all that we do.
The Governance Committee is a ‘critical friend’ of the school. It provides Strategic Leadership in school improvement. It does this by being appropriately involved in the school improvement cycle as follows:
Key Issues
The governance committee will consider and keep under review: the progress and attainment of all groups of pupils, evidence of narrowing gaps between under achieving groups and other pupils, improvements in the quality of teaching, the school’s improvement since the last inspection, and the school’s self-evaluation of how well it is doing currently. Governance committee members are not expected to be involved in the day to day running of the school.
Who can be a governance committee member?
What makes a good governance committee member?
The LGC determines the strategic direction of the school, and it also has direct responsibility for certain key areas, such as finance. The committee supports and challenges the leadership of Our Lady of Hartley Catholic Primary School covering the areas set out below.
Teaching and learning |
Student well-being |
Special Educational Needs |
Pupil Premium |
Child Protection |
RE and Catholic ethos |
Assists with performance reviews of the Head Teacher |
Finance |
Health and Safety |
Safeguarding |
Admissions |
Approves and implement School specific policies |
Assists with performance review of the Head Teacher |
This means, for example, that if you have concerns or questions about the financial management of Our Lady of Hartley, they should go to the Finance Lead Committee Member on the Local Governance Committee. You can always contact them through the school office.
Our Chair of Governors, Barry Mullan, can be contacted by email:
The Clerk to the committee Anita Venezia Yau, can be contacted by email:
Copies of Governing Body minutes are available from the School Office.