Family Advice
Raising children is probably the most challenging thing we will ever do. You are probably already doing lots of great parenting but sometimes we need extra ideas and techniques, especially as the kids turn into teenagers.
The website/link below provides live, online talks offering up to date information, effective and easy to apply interventions and the opportunity to ask questions and get practical advice. Workshops range from – Supporting Healthy Sleep, Understanding Anger, Anxiety Explained and Understanding ADHD
Useful Telephone numbers
Childline 0800 1111
Samaritans 116 123
Domestic Violence Hotline 0808 2000 247
Mind 0300 123 3393
Age UK 0800 169 6565
La Leche League 0345 120 2918 for mums struggling to get formula milk
The Department for Education (DfE) is supporting catch-up programmes and fun activities for all children and young people in England.
We are encouraging all children to take part in the Summer Reading Challenge, which is organised by the local libraries. The children have the chance to earn certificates and a medal for reading a total of six books over the summer. This is a free service and we know that the local libraries are excited to have as many children involved as possible. The children are welcome to bring their reading certificates and medals to school to be shared in an assembly in September. Attached below is the link for more information about the reading challenge and how to get involved.
The Summer Reading Challenge website helps you to keep track of your reading all year round, find new book recommendations, take part in mini challenges, play games and more!
KCC’s Reconnect Activities and opportunities over the summer
Summer Holiday Activities - Cyclopark
Summer Holiday Activities page link -
School Health Team
Resilience Training Coordinator
Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust
You may have already seen these, but if not we hope that you may find them useful. They are short videos with some easy to understand messages on helping parents to support their children with Resilience. Each video has ‘Top Tips’ so it could be that the link to the videos are shared with parents on your website, newsletters or through Facebook groups or the information /Top Tips are rebranded.
I hope you will agree that these very simple messages are so important and can make such a difference.
For some useful resources to support both parents and children mental health and wellbeing. - this website has some really good resources for the current situation if your child is worrying about coronavirus
What parents and carers need to know about schools, colleges and other education settings during the coronavirus outbreak
Updated 1 May 2020
School Public Health
The School Public Health service is operating in a different way. Following Public Health England guidelines we have reduced our face-to-face contacts, as part of the national efforts to slow the spread of coronavirus. We have also reduced our services so that we can support other frontline NHS service
The School Public Health Team has created some FAQs for schools and parents or carers:
• School Health FAQs for parents or carers of older children and young people
• FAQs for schools
These explain the activities the team are still providing as well as suggest the most useful online and digital sources of support for parents and carers at this time.
Safer Internet Session
For those of you who were unable to attend, please find some useful links below that may help you to keep your child safe online. Please note, it will not be appropriate to watch them with your child.
Instagram social media guide
How to set up BT wifi settings at home
How to set up your child's device - an information poster
How to set up your child's device (Apple)
Four risky apps to look out for
Parents' guide to TikTok
BBC Own It
Hope you will find the web links below useful code:UKTWINKLHELPS
instagram- oliver jeffers story time on instagram live each week day
Useful links to cope with grief
If you are a parent or carer, we hope you will find the web links below useful.