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Our Lady of Hartley Catholic Primary SchoolTogether in faith, love and learning…

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Our Lady of Hartley Catholic Primary School Together in faith, love and learning…

Religious Education



At Our Lady of Hartley Catholic Primary School we aim to nurture the Catholic Faith and its teachings in our children. We work to help children live this faith and we encourage children to develop a better relationship with God and others around them. Central to our ethos are the opportunities for prayer and worship which lie at the heart of our faith. We will endeavour to promote and encourage these at every level, together with the skills and attitudes necessary to live out the Christian message in the modern world.


Religious Education (R.E) promotes children’s cultural, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical development and helps prepare them for the opportunities and responsibilities that lie ahead of them. Our aim is to do this in the context of a Christian moral and ethical framework.


At Our Lady of Hartley, the requirements of the curriculum are delivered through, ‘The Way, the Truth and the Life’ scheme. This scheme was written by educators and caters for children of all abilities and ages; from Reception to Year 6 and beyond. The scheme compliments the catechesis that takes place in the home and parish.


We have the opportunity to study different faiths across the year and especially during our ‘other faith’ celebratory weeks. This gives us an opportunity to:


  • Learn about other faiths, beliefs and their customs.
  • Bring our communities closer together.
  • Celebrate the contribution that different faith groups make to our society.
  • Understand how people of different faiths cooperate and interact with one another.


At Our Lady of Hartley, we cherish our responsibility as a Catholic school. Our school motto expresses what we feel our aim is:


Together in faith, love and learning



RE in the Early Years


As with all other subjects, RE is taught both formally and discreetly in the Early Years. Children are encouraged to learn the school prayers, engage with the parish priest and have a good understanding of select Bible stories. 


As a part of the Education Commission, below are the end of year expectations for those children in Early Years:


  • Listen to and talk about religious stories and respond to what they hear with relevant comments. 
  • Sing songs; make music and dance to express religious stories. 
  • Use a variety of materials, tools and techniques, experimenting with colour, design, texture, form and function to express religious stories. 
  • Represent their own ideas, thoughts and feelings about religious stories through design and technology, art, music, dance and role play. 
  • Develop their own narratives and explanations of religious stories by connecting ideas or events to the scripture source used. 
  • Read and understand simple sentences from scripture or from their own religious stories 
  • Share religious stories they have heard and read with others. 
  • Write simple sentences about religious stories using phrases or words which can be read by themselves and others. 
  • Listen, talk about and role play similarities and differences between themselves and others, and among families, church communities and church traditions. 
  • Listen, talk about and role play similarities and differences in relation to places they have read or heard about family, church communities and scripture stories. 
  • Listen, talk about and role play how people behave in the local, national and universal church community. 
  • Listen and talk about key figures in the history of the People of God. 
  • Listen and talk about religious signs and symbols used in worship, including the celebration of the Sacraments. Use religious signs and symbols in role play. 


Children also take part in various collective worship sessions. These include gathering, listening, responding, reflecting and going forth-spreading the word of God. Children are encouraged to spend periods of time of reflection that are weaved throughout the school day. 

Cross Curricular links



Retelling Bible stories, giving detailed explanations, opinions and reflections on lessons taught. 



Prayer journaling, reflective art work.



Religions over time. During other faith weeks’ the children have the opportunity to explore different religions and how they differ to Catholic faith and how they have developed over time. Developing understandings on faiths and celebrations around the world. 



Acting out Bible stories, conscience corridors and reflecting on meaning behind these stories and the lessons we learn from these stories. 



Reflecting on the feelings and emotions learned through the Bible. Giving opinions and reflecting on how religion makes us feel. Discovering similarities and differences between religions and making comparisons between religions. 



Learning hymns, listening to quiet reflective music and celebrating the Mass through song. 

Home Learning Links



Parish website link
