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Our Lady of Hartley Catholic Primary SchoolTogether in faith, love and learning…

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Our Lady of Hartley Catholic Primary School Together in faith, love and learning…

School Sports

School sports are defined by the Association for Physical Education (AFPE) as 'the structured learning that takes place beyond the curriculum (i.e. in the extended curriculum) within school settings; this is sometimes referred to as out-of-school-hours learning'.


After School Clubs 

At Our Lady of Hartley, there are lots of opportunities to take part in after school sports clubs (many of which have been funded using the PE and Sport Premium funding). These include the following clubs that are run throughout the year:


KS1 Football club (Monday)

Gymnastics (Tuesday)

KS2 Football club (Friday)

Gardening club (Monday)

Irish Dancing (Wednesday)

Judo (Thursday)

Netball (Friday)



It also includes the following clubs which are run for one term each year:





For more information, please contact the school office.

Our Lady of Harley Sports Teams

At Our Lady of Hartley, pupils are given the opportunity to participate in a range of tournaments and sports festivals both within school (Intra-competitions) between year groups and with other schools (Inter-competitions). Please see some photographs of recent events below.  

Hartley Academy vs Our Lady of Hartley

On Wednesday the first ever Our Lady of Hartley Girls Football Team played in a friendly match against Hartley Academy.  The result might not have gone our way but the team should be extremely proud of the way that the conducted themselves on the pitch. They showed great determination, effort and resilience. They will also go down in history as the first ever Our Lady of Hartley Girls Football Team!  

Our Lady of Hartley Vs Fawkham CE Primary school

This afternoon our Y6 Boys Football Team played Fawkham CE Primary school and won 5-1. Up next will be a girls match- details to be confirmed at a later date.

Hartley County Primary School vs Our Lady of Hartley

We have some lovely school news. In our first competitive fixture for three years, our Year 6 boys football team won 11-0 against Hartley Academy this afternoon. Well done boys! A big thank you to Mr Smith for his time and footballing insight.

A Special letter 

During Lockdown, Spencer, in St Paul’s Class, wrote a letter and poem to one of England’s Rugby Players - Jonny May.  Jonny May took the time to write a very inspirational letter back to Spencer which you can read below! 


Dartford School Games Partnership Primary Handball Tournament

Dartford School Games Partnership Quicksticks Tournament

Further Information 


For more information about Physical Education (PE), school sport or opportunities for physical activity at Our Lady of Hartley, please click the links below:


Physical Education

Physical Activity 

PE and Sports Premium
